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Apna Health is a partnership committed to the South Asian community’s health and wellness during the pandemic and beyond.

Get health and wellness information in your language


For Support in Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali and Punjabi

Connecting our Community

We are here to connect our South Asian community members to culturally sensitive and culturally appropriate information and resources in their language.

Apna Health is a joint partnership between two strong South Asian community based Non-Profit Organizations – Indus Community Services (Indus) and Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS). Our community ambassadors and volunteers are working relentlessly towards supporting ‘at risk’ community members and catering to the specific needs of the South Asian community.

Thank you to our resource partners – South Asian Health Network,

South Asian Mental Health Resources – SOCH

Two pillars of Apna Health

Make a selection to get resources in your language

English resources are available throughout the website. This is a collection of resources in the following languages.

Coronavirus updates and guidance

    We speak your language.

    We know it can be challenging to filter facts and information especially when English is a secondary language. Apna Health has a diverse team of responders who will help and support you in your language.

    The COVID-19 Helpline provides information about health & safety during COVID-19, details on the reopening process, government benefits, and support services available to communities in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Tamil and Bangla.
    Call 905-366-1010